Non-uniform Time and Lazy Functions

This will be graded along with the rest of your codebase at the course Milestones.

Non-uniform time series

To this point, your TimeSeries classes have dealt with either a single vector of information, or two, one for times and one for values. (def __init__(self, values, times=None)) But we have not done much with a two vectors implementation, preferring to keep the times as optional. We'll change this here.

Single vectors are useful for regularly sampled time series data, like temperatures over the course of a year or stock market prices per day. But not all time series data is this nice, and today we'll be reworking our code to be a little more realistic.

One values vector implicit samples by default: you assume that the values are observations at regular intervals of some arbitrary unit. Then, last time you switched to explicit samples, recording a value and a time point for every observation.

The changes you'll be making today are interface-breaking changes. In other words, we're asking you to change your code such that it will be incompatible with your previous version. You'll need to write or rewrite new tests to exercise your new code.

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Modifying your storage

We'd like you to rewrite your ArrayTimeSeries class, with two goals:

  • We want you to store two arrays internally, even if you only have a single vector of values. The first should represent a list of time points, and the other should be a set of values.
  • Go ahead and use numpy arrays for the internal storage.

Please change your class constructor to take two sequences as input. The call signature should look something like this now:

#order of arguments has changed because no default
def __init__(self, times, values): #notice no default for times now

The goal of your new arrays is to work something like a cross between an array and a dictionary. Your class is an ordered container, where each time point should be monotonically increasing (you don't need to enforce this right now, but you're welcome to if you want). It's like a sequence or array in this way.

Make sure you implement the __iter__, itertimes, iteritems, __len__, __getitem__ and __setitem__ (the latter two take an index and get a value and set a value correspoinding to that index respectively..note i say index, not time)

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Linear interpolation

Now that we've got a shiny new class, let's make it a little more useful.

Random sampling is a fairly common way to collect time series data, but it suffers from the issue that the domain between two independent experiments is almost certainly not the same. We'll fix that through by introducing a simple interpolation function.

Let's start with an example:

a = TimeSeries([0,5,10], [1,2,3])
b = TimeSeries([2.5,7.5], [100, -100])
# Simple cases
a.interpolate([1]) == TimeSeries([1],[1.2])
a.interpolate(b.itertimes()) == TimeSeries([2.5,7.5], [1.5, 2.5])
# Boundary conditions
a.interpolate([-100,100]) == TimeSeries([-100,100],[1,3])

The idea is simply that for every new time point passed to the interpolate method, we'd like you to compute a value for the TimeSeries class assuming that it is a piecewise-linear function. In other words, take the nearest two time points, draw a line between them, and pick the value at the new time point. Use stationary boundary conditions: so if a new time point is smaller than the first existing time point, just use the first value; likewise for larger time points.

Your interpolate function should return a new TimeSeries instance; it should not modify the existing one.

As a smoke test, you might want to try this: create a time series instance with values for a couple time points between 0 and 1, the try your function on np.random.random(1000) and plot the new time series. You should be able to see your piecewise linear approximation show up. (This is not required, and you don't need to turn anything in for this.)

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Lazy evaluation

Create a new file called

Inside, create a new class called LazyOperation, which will be our thunk. The constructor should take one required argument function and then arbitrary positional and keyword arguments (this is the *args and **kwargs syntax, if you remember). The constructor doesn't need to do anything but store them internally for now.

This follows what we did in the lecture.

Write a @lazy decorator now.

Add in a lazy_add and a lazy_mul and use these to write tests for

If you've done it correctly, you should be able to run something like this:

isinstance( lazy_add(1,2), LazyOperation ) == True

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Lazy TimeSeries

The last step is to hook this up to your TimeSeries class.

Technically, we don't actually need to do this:

def check_length(a,b):
  return len(a)==len(b)
thunk = check_length(TimeSeries(range(0,4),range(1,5)), TimeSeries(range(1,5),range(2,6)))
assert thunk.eval()==True

We'd like you to create a lazy property method in your TimeSeries class. All this method does is return a new LazyOperation instance using an identity function (a function with one argument that just returns the argument) and self as the only argument. This wraps up the TimeSeries instance and a function which does nothing and saves them both for later.

This example should give identical results: python x = TimeSeries([1,2,3,4],[1,4,9,16]) print(x) print(x.lazy.eval()) (Recall that properties don't need to be called, so x.lazy returns the result of calling the TimeSeries.lazy(self) function, which was decorated with @property.)

This adds a single extra layer of laziness indirection.

You should probably check that running your lazy-fied TimeSeries object works with the check_length example above.

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A final note:

In order to debug this, it might be useful to inject a print statement or two into your @lazy-decorated and undecorated functions. You should be able to see the difference in when these functions get called: the undecorated versions should print immediately when the expression is evaluated, whereas the decorated versions won't print until after you call eval on the thunk they produced.

Good luck!